JUNE 2010
Just in case you're wondering what I've been up to in the last few
weeks and why I haven't had time to update my blog, here's a summary
(in no particular order):
weeks and why I haven't had time to update my blog, here's a summary
(in no particular order):
Saints baseball championship finals, Glee, Sex & The City 2, Kermesse
d'École, journée porte ouverte des assisantes maternelles, round trip
to Aschaffenburg via Frankfurt, dinner with Angi, lunch with Oli,
Desperate Housewives, pique-nique au parc de Marly, dinner with Jim &
Wendy, VoluntEARS event with Sego, Xelle & Ale, Grey's Anatomy, course
d'endurance de Misha, picnic lunch with Nath & Val, painted Lara's
closet, painted our bed, family dinner with mama, papa & Marco,
Coolinarium, Altedia, fête de St Nom la Bretèche, chamboule-tout Saints, laundry,
cooking, baking, Lara's registration for kindergarden, Father's day
BBQ in Ableiges, school outing with Misha's class to the Parc des
Etoiles, dinner with Nath & JMTPG in Boulogne, Saints red team home game, Misha @
Emeric's birthday party, André @ sculpture class, Wii fit, one wee
nap, Disneyland with Misha and his friends, lunch with the homebase
team, Starbucks, doctor's apointment, visit to the Disney Store Champs
Elysées, and Japanese dinner with Nath & Niko!
Hopefully, with July starting I will find some time soon to give you a
more visual update!
more visual update!
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