Kobtzeff Family

Welcome to Mélisande, André, Misha, Lara & Ilya's family blog. We hope you'll check back often to see what's new...

Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Misha has been craving a trip to London or New York ("somewhere where they speak English!" he said), so when the opportunity to go to London for the weekend arose, we could not NOT seize it....

Thanks to a great Home Team (Grand Benoit, Nanou, Sofka, Boris, Mania, Sissa & Tatine - yes, it can take that many to manage two kids) who took care of Lara & Ilya, we were able to enjoy this escapade fully, and London was expecting us with the nicest weather EVER!!!

Our wonderful host Kirsty was expecting us Friday night with a lovely meal and after a good night's sleep and a delish full on English breakfast we set out to conquer the city!

London, Baby!! was our motto!
(we introduced Misha to the F.R.I.E.N.D.S episode Friday morning before school)

We caught the train into Victoria and first stop Westminster Abbey and...

.We then caught a ride on the Thames Clipper from Embankment up to Tower Bridge and back taking in all the sights along the way....perfect with this great sunny 1st of October weather!
By then it was time to head to one of our fav restaurants - Wagamama - with the added bonus of meeting up with Jenny (after 26 years!!!) and her lovely girls Mia & Evie.

It is SO nice to meet up with "old" friends. You almost pick-up where you left off... Jenny just as bubbly as ever and I love how 5 minutes before we met I was telling Misha & André one of my fondest memories with Jenny the day my little brother was born (1982), and then over lunch she told the same story!!
Too bad I didn't get a pic of the girls....next time!!

We could have gone on for ever, but the London Eye was calling....
And WOW, what a view!!!
A quick cab ride back to Victoria station
and a sprint home once off the train in time to see.....

The Doctor
Live on BBC1!!!

Another lovely BBQ dinner compliments of our lovely host Kirsty and her mom,
who came to town ready to SHINE through London!!

And so that was Day 1!

To be continued.....so stay tuned!


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