Kobtzeff Family

Welcome to Mélisande, André, Misha, Lara & Ilya's family blog. We hope you'll check back often to see what's new...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


A friendship that is sure to last them a lifetime...

Oliver, Misha, Pier-Max & Kajetan

After 4 years together in middle school, they'll be going their seperate ways next year for the lycée.

All for one and one for all!!!
Keep that spirit going....

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Monday, June 22, 2015


So, our time at the Beethoven Maternelle is coming to an end as Ilya finishes off his last year.
I will no longer be spying out the window at break time to see if one of my little munchkins is running around playing tag or riding the train. 

It's been 5 years since Lara made her entrance, how about a little flashback???

Click here for the original post

But back to the present now and for their end of year show, 
the school decided to honour the man after whom the school is named, Beethoven!

A rap version of Ode to Joy (European anthem) with a hip hop choreography and then in song! 
Lara obviously isn't the only hip hopper in the family!!!

Way to go Ilya!! You're set for 1st grade....

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Wow, hard to believe I haven't been on here in two years!! 
I guess in large part due to Facebook taking over with instant uploading being so easy,
but I thought I'd try and pick up again...
Let's see where it goes....

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