Kobtzeff Family

Welcome to Mélisande, André, Misha, Lara & Ilya's family blog. We hope you'll check back often to see what's new...

Monday, February 25, 2008



Thank you Oma & Opa!


Maladie rare et bénigne de l'enfant, peu contagieuse, la scarlatine se caractérise par un mal de gorge, une inflammation des amygdales et de petites tâches rouges écarlates sur le corps.

Des clefs pour comprendre

La scarlatine est due au streptocoque ß hémolytique du groupe A. Cette bactérie très répandue (également responsable de l'angine) siège de façon habituelle dans l'arrière-gorge. On parle de scarlatine lorsque le streptocoque provoque une inflammation locale et libère dans la circulation sanguine une toxine (poison). Après une période d'incubation de trois à cinq jours, la maladie se manifeste par une fièvre à 39-40°C, des maux de tête, des vomissements, des nausées, un mal de gorge. L'examen de la bouche montre une inflammation de la muqueuse, des amygdales gonflées et un enduit blanchâtre sur la langue.
Le jour suivant, de petites tâches rouges écarlates, très rapprochées et légèrement saillantes, apparaissent aux aisselles, aux plis de l'aine puis sur les membres, le tronc et le visage. Seule la peau autour de la bouche est épargnée, constituant le "masque de la scarlatine". L'éruption concerne également les muqueuses de la bouche, hormis la langue qui se desquame – cela signifie que des lamelles de peau se détachent - et devient framboisée. En moins d'une semaine, ces rougeurs disparaissent, la peau se met à peler.
La scarlatine non traitée peut entraîner des complications spécifiques aux infections à streptocoques telles qu'un rhumatisme articulaire aigu ou une affection rénale, c'est pourquoi le médecin prescrira systématiquement un traitement antibiotique.

La conduite à tenir

Généralement, la scarlatine est facile à diagnostiquer. Le médecin prescrit des antibiotiques. Respectez la durée de prescription sans quoi vous favoriseriez l'apparition de complications et de résistances aux antibiotiques lors d'une utilisation ultérieure.
Le malaise de votre enfant va disparaître en quelques jours. Votre rôle sera de surveiller la fièvre. Si elle est très élevée, découvrez votre enfant, donnez-lui un bain d'une température de 2°C inférieure à celle de son corps et faites-le boire abondamment.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Hey everybody, check me out!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Sunday, February 17, 2008


You wonder why they develop toys...garbage is much more fun!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008



Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Lara enjoys exploring her big brother's room, and what should she find???
Out of all the toys, she HAD to pick the lightsaber!!
Misha will just have to give his young Padawan some lessons in the art of the lightsaber,
as this is clearly not the right way to be holding it!!

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Cette tarte givrée est à tomber!!!
1 1/4 cup de pretzels écrasés (oui, les pretzels apéro salés)
1/2 cup de beurre ou margarine fondu
1/4 cup sucre
400ml (1 boite) de lait concentré sucré
1 cup de fraises (j'en avais plus alors j'en ai mis plus)
1/4 cup de jus de citron vert
4 cuillères à soupe de tequila
2 cuillères à soupe de cointreau
3 goutes de colorant alimentaire rouge
250ml de crème liquide en chantilly

Mélanger les pretzels, le beurre/margarine et le sucre au mixer. Mettre au fond d'un moule à manqué.
Mélanger le lait concentré, les fraises, le jus de citron vert, la tequila, le cointreau et le colorant.
Ajouter la crème chantilly.
Verser le melange sur la croute dans le moule et congeler de préference une nuit
(quelques heures suffisent aussi quand même)....
Bonne dégustation!

Manue - à toi de jouer......

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Happy Year of the Rat
The Rat (Chinese:) was welcomed in ancient times as a protector and bringer of material prosperity. It is the first of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. Rat is associated with aggression, wealth, charm, and order, yet also associated with death, war, the occult, pestilence, and atrocities. The Year of the Rat is associated with the earthly branch symbol .
In Chinese, the word 鼠 may refer to either the rat or the mouse. Therefore, in this context, Year of the Mouse and Year of the Rat are interchangeable terms.
Being the first sign of the Chinese zodiacs, rats are leaders, pioneers and conquerors. They are charming, passionate, charismatic, practical and hardworking. Rat people are endowed with great leadership skills and are the most highly organized, meticulous, and systematic of the twelve signs. Intelligent and cunning at the same time, rats are highly ambitious and strong-willed people who are keen and unapologetic promoters of their own agendas, which often include money and power. They are energetic and versatile and can usually find their way around obstacles, and adapt to various environments easily. A rat's natural charm and sharp demeanor make it an appealing friend for almost anyone, but rats are usually highly exclusive and selective when choosing friends and so often have only a few very close friends whom they trust.
Behind the smiles and charm, rats can be terribly obstinate and controlling, insisting on having things their way no matter what the cost. These people tend to have immense control of their emotions, which they may use as a tool to manipulate and exploit others, both emotionally and mentally. Rats are masters of mind games and can be very dangerous, calculative and downright cruel if the need arises. Quick-tempered and aggressive, they will not think twice about exacting revenge on those that hurt them in any way. Rats need to learn to relax sometimes, as they can be quite obsessed with detail, intolerant and strict, demanding order, obedience, and perfection.
Rats consider others before themselves, at least sometimes, and avoid forcing their ideas onto others. Rats are fair in their dealings and expect the same from others in return, and can be deeply affronted if they feel they have been deceived or that their trust has been abused. Sometimes they set their targets too high, whether in relation to their friends or in their career. But as the years pass, they will become more idealistic and tolerant. If they can develop their sense of self and realize it leaves room for others in their life as well, Rats can find true happiness.
According to tradition, Rats often carry heavy karma and at some point in life may face an identity crisis or some kind of feeling of guilt. Rats are said to often have to work very long and hard for everything they may earn or have in life. However, a Rat born during the day is said to have things a bit easier than those who are born at night. Traditionally, Rats born during the night may face extreme hardships and suffering throughout life. Rats in general should guard themselves against hedonism, as it may lead to self-destruction. Gambling, alcohol and drugs tend to be great temptations to Rat natives.
Traditionally, Rats should avoid Horses, but they can usually find their best friends and love interests in Monkeys, Dragons, and Oxen.
Professions include espionage, psychiatry, psychology, writing, politics, law, engineering, accounting, detective work, acting, and pathology.

Monday, February 04, 2008


Rendez-vous le weekend du 21 & 22 fevrier 2009 pour ceux qui sont tentés!!!

Friday, February 01, 2008


We're off for Karneval in Köln - check back in a few days to see our costumes!

Kamelle!! Bützje!! Strüssje!!

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